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Title: Bill: Here are some issues.
Topic started: 07/29/05 12:08
Author: adamd
Total Replies: 2
Chris Richards Wrote:
If it is ok I added in Magery and now I need to pick a realm and spells. Can you send me a copy of the arcanix so I can have the latest version at work.

This is why Magery should not be a skill as opposed to a "trait" like Highly Trained or Skilled. Essentially, Spell Casting and Martial Training should be accessible as Levels of Aptitude only during Profession creation. That is, if we are sticking to traditional Dawn of Eana.

In light of that, I've been a big proponent of making the entire system granular sin that one should be able to increase his level of aptitude in Arcane Arts as well as Martial Training.

Chris Richars Wrote:
Also, I picked a weapon specialization, and I can not select Martial Arts to Parry +1, which is what I want. Can you help with this?

This is a job for Super Bill! Characters should be able to choose WS for any martial skill that is also a weapon proficiency EXCEPT archery. With archery, you must specialize with each type of bow or with the group, GP: Archery. This means that you should be able to specialize Martial Arts, Wrestling, Street Fighting, Natural Weaponry, or with the group, GP: Unarmed.

I know in the past GMs have been very forgiving on the aspect of WS unarmed, allowing WS: Unarmed to apply to all unarmed combat, and frankly, I'm good with that. It makes sence since the 'weapon' is the same... the character's body.

There is another issue I've noticed. I can't find Weapon and Shield on the skill list during or after character creation, however, it IS in the list in Principia.
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10/12/05 00:25  - Bildo

Not sure about the Magery vs. Training thingie. I understand what you're saying but it could also go both ways. Wasn't the possibility to increase training level opened up at some point?

Weapon & Shield is in there someplace. Fen has it at least.

In terms of martial arts, brawling, etc., yeah, it should add something in there, like a WP: Unarmed or something.

10/12/05 15:06  - adamd

In that case, there should be a skill called Highly Trained and a skill called Skilled and a skill called Untrained. Now, if we wanted to make it so that campaigns could allow Levels of Aptitude o be incerased through experience (an idea I'm totally in favor of, it just makes sense!) then levels of aptitude need to be visited at length. They should be attributes that can be toggled as "dynamic" or "static" depending on the definiion of a campaign based on teh campaign style sheet.

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