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Title: C-sheet and other issues
Topic started: 06/10/04 11:03
Author: adamd
Total Replies: 0
1) One the C-Sheet, the line that reads: Weapons EUs ToHit Damage Parry Ammo; Should read: Weapons EUs ToHit Thrown Damage Parry. This will enable you to remove the (THROWN) entry from each weapon that can possibly be thrown (which in truth is any weapon, recall Trendy?) and replace it with the only required statistic, whic is the Thrown ToHit for that weapon. Makes it very tidy.

2) On the C-Sheet, when looking at a piece of Equipment or Weapons, there is a field called 'Notes', which I think is a child of the item from the parent object on the Mail Equipment or Weapon list. This field is currently disabled, but, should become enabled when the object is added to the character sheet, in this way, objects can have 'uniqueness' attributed to them by the description placed in the notes field. The noted should be visible on the C-sheet so that when looking at the C-sheet, one can easily see the 'uniqueness' of the objects. In this way, a 'Long Sword' can become 'Long Sword: Rune-scribed and oxidized to a rich turquise-green,' or somesuch. This field should be the one which determines uniqueness when two or more objects that whose parent object is the same, appear in a cell (cells are: Artifacts, Equipment => Container, and Weapon). Thus, if Biff has two Long Swords, and they are both not unique, in that they don't have any data in the 'Notes' field, or they both have identical data in the 'Notes' field, they both appear in the Weapons Cell as one entry: 'Long Sword (2) <longsword attributes>'; however, if one has data and the other does not, or both have dissimilar data in the 'Notes' field, then they appear as seperate entries int eh Weapons Cell: 'Long Sword: Steel with tripple fullers <long sword attributes>; 'Long Sword: Faintly glowing mercurially shifting metal <long sword attributes>. PS. Armor needs this field for exactly the same reason, currently it does not have it. Artifacts already include it, but it is called 'Description' which is a better name for it IMHO.

3) There should be a 'Quantity' attribute on the 'Add Equipment' Sheet and 'Add Weapons' Sheet. This relieves the user from having to individually add a similar weapon multiple times, which can get tedious. At this point, the user can modify the 'Notes' or 'Description' field (if you change it to that) and all instances of the weapon that are added will be created exactly the same. This will be especially usefull in light of ammunition since many instances of the same ammunition description description are common on a C-sheet.

4) Ammunition needs to be added to the Weapons list so that the ammunition can be added to the Weapons Cell where it is appropriate. Ammunition (and possibly all weapons) should include the 'Location' attribute, so that they simultaneously appear as a weapon on the Weapon Cell, but also in the Equipment Cell IF a container is selected. Since there is an implied location of 'Sheathed' or 'Slung', it is nice and often required to note if a weapon is kept in a place other than in a weapon holder. This is especially usefull, again, for ammunition wich is usually kept in a pouch (if bullets or shot) or in a boltcase or quiver (bolts, quarrels, or arrows). It is important that the container and the QTY are associated, so that when a quarrel, for example, is fired, it is removed both fromt he bolt-case, and from the Weapon Cell entry: Bolts <bolt attributes>. PS. this will also help manage EUs, since arrows carried loosely are twice as cumbersome as those carried in a quiver; and a hand axe is not as cumbersome when carried ina a back pack as when it is at the ready.

5) Armor and clothing should have the 'Worn' flag so that the C-sheet can indicate whether such items are worn or carried. Remember, such items are more EUs when carried then when worn.
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