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Title: So I made a Character
Topic started: 07/01/03 15:15
Author: Valkerie
Total Replies: 2
So I went thru the process of making a character, adam let me make it in his campaign, cuz he is a sweetie. In some ways it is amazingly elegant & simple, and then in others not as intuitive as you would expect.

Glaringly the only button to push is DELETE, no "I'm done thanks, close this window & take me back home." I was freaking out that I would lose it before I realized it was it's own window and if I refreshed the previous it was there. which also kinda explained my other complaint, not being able to change a blasted thing once I'd done it. Users such as myself change their minds while they are doing their creating. We like to try things on for size and then see how it looks. Impossible with your setup. Makes me think I should make the character by hand then manually transfer it so I can get it just so, and that sucks all the joy right out using the web-based thing.
Most obviously I think there is some room for hyperlinks, so if you click on some of those esoteric weapons you can see what you are signing up for. I bet I can persuade my hubbie to get you some drawings if you need them, I can be quite .. persuasive.
There is more but I have to get to the post office & store today, only other thing is that moving green eyeball is creepy.
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07/01/03 15:39  - Bill Barnes


Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately for you, I think in a very linear fashion. I already damn well know what I want to do with the character before I do it. If you're not sure about the race you picked, try hitting the back button. Same thing with Profession. Don't know if that will work, but you can try it. ;)

There is a point with both of those where you cannot just switch, since it ties in skills and attribute adjustments.

Weapon, Armor and Equipment you can add and remove as you please. Skills you cannot at the moment, though there are plans to augment that.

Oh, and I'm glad you like the eye. I made it just for you...

07/28/05 20:48  - Mike Wagner

I agree about the DELETE button, but no SAVE or FINISH button. That really confused me at first as well. I thought I'd lose the character if I closed the window. In fact, I figured I just hadn't filled everything out yet, and that's why it wasn't letting me save the character, just delete it. :-p

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