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Title: Artifacts
Topic started: 03/01/04 11:03
Author: Adam
Total Replies: 10
List of issues:
1. Must include bonuses or penalties to Initiative Modifier (ToInit).
2. Must include penalties to Attributes, DEF, ToHit, ToParry, ToDam.
3. All numerical modifiers such as Init Mod, ToHit, etc. should be in dropdowns from -10 to +10. It's not really reasonable that an item imbue +10 to anything, but you should allow that growth, though truth be told, probably -5 to +5 should do the trick.
3 1/2. ToInit, ToHit, ToParry, ToDam, DEF, and Attribute modifiers should appear in 'General Properties'. Any item, even an everflowing jockstrap can offer +1 ToHit, yet it is not a weapopn.
4. Armor items should have an armor type. If 'Coverage: Full' is chosen, populate a dropdown with: Hides, Light Leather, etc. If 'Coverage: Head' is chosen populate a dorpdown with Helm, Helmet, SKullcap, Greathelm, etc. And so on. I'll be happy to enter data for all of the partial armor items if you create the interface for me to enter: Item Name, Coverage, EUs, DEF.
5. If the answer to the question, "Is this Armor?" or "Is this a weapon?" is YES then it should appear soley in that catagory. If both are listed, then it should appear in each catagory.
6. Where do Shields fit in?
7. Shields can deal damage if wielded as a weapon as per Weapon & Shield. So they need a damage box if the damage dealt by the sheild is other than normal.
8. The damage field in 'Weapon Properties' should be a dropdown so that damage ranges other than normal damage can be chosen. Damage ranges to enter are: 1 hp, 1d2, 2d2, 1d3, 2d3, 3d3, 1d4, 2d4, 3d4, 4d4, 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 5d6, 1d8, 2d8, 3d8, 1d10, 2d10, 3d10, 1d12, 2d12, 1d20. The way I have figured this follows: combinations of same sided dice whose total minimum does not exceed the number of sides of the dice (thus no 5d4), and whos total maximum does not exceed 30 (thus no 2d20 or 3 d12). It is conceivable that there could be some relic longbow that deals 3d10 damage. Disgusting, but possible.
9. EUs need to be addressed differently. If a known item type is chosen as a base, the EU field should be automatically populated, but should remain an editable field so that EUs can be added or subtracted.
10. Damge types must be added, by this I mean, Penetrating as per firearms, bledding as per stiletto, entangling as per bolas, etc. Multiple dropdowns would work in case the item both causes bleeding and penetrating damage. Etc.
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03/01/04 11:09  - Adam

Almost forgot!

11. Should have a dropdown of Skills and Abilities AND number of 'purchases' of each. This allows Boots of Speed to ALSO grant the wearer Running x4. This Runnig x4 then needs to be appended to th C-sheet so that the existance of any Running Skills earned tehrough Class, Race, and Experience are teken into account for a total Running skill.

03/01/04 11:55  - Bildo

Man, what a pain the....

Ok. Some of these things I can do. Some others are a bit more difficult. For example, dynamically altering the contents of a list box based upon the selection of another list box is nigh impossible without refreshing or moving the page.

I was thinking about the shield thing as well. Realistically, sheilds are weapons, not armor. They don't provide any DEF, they're just very good to parry with, AND they can do damage.

I'm not sold on the skill thing. I mean, yeah it would be cool, but I'll have to think about that still.

Now about those dropdowns with the +1, +2 +3, etc. The fields are masked pretty tight so that you can only enter in + or - numerics. I can limit it even further such that it can only go to +9, if that would make you feel better. Personally I'd rather not go drop-down happy with that cause dropdowns don't interface well with the back end, and require 14 lines of code where just one would do. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm a lazy bastard.

03/01/04 13:03  - Adam

Ok you lazy bastard...

I understand your resistance to drop downs, but ultimately what you are designing is an interface. You can make it easy, or you can make it not so easy. Your choice. I'm just attacking this think from two different viewpoints, User and Mechanic. Mechanically, I think that skills and abilities are important in artifact design. Not gonna budge there. there are two ways to deal with it, 1: give total control to teh GMs and let them modify that stuff, but that sort of defeats the purpose of an automation tool such as this. 2: automate as much as can be reasonably automated, also allow total control if'n the GMS want to implement powers that do not fall neatly into the mechanics of the system. I guess what i'm saying regarding skills is this: the Skill & Ability mechanism exists, it needs to be implemented into the artifact object so that changes to c-sheets by imbued skills and abilities are effortlessly applied. BTW: I'm adding the Natural Ability: Waterbreathing to nat abils.

03/02/04 10:17  - Bildo

What the hell is a Nat Abilisy?

Alright. I'll do the skill thingie. But can you give me a more concise idea of how it works? The skill on the artifact is embued to the person? Is that all there is to it, or are you looking for more?

03/03/04 10:20  - Adam

Yes. Essentially the skill is inherited from the artifact as though it were purchased using experience. However, if the item goes away, so does the inherited skill.

Do you recall The Black Cauldron? The dead king's sword allowed a pesant boy to wield it as though he knew what he was doing, further, if offered a hefty bonus toparry, so the sword gave the wielder WP: Longsword and WS: +6 ToParry w/ Longsword.

03/03/04 16:02  - Adam

Bartles Bow in Artifacts, shows up in both Weapons and equipment for some reason, even though I recreated it and ensured that there was no indication that it should be counted as equipment.

03/04/04 10:41  - Bildo

I owned The Black Coudron video game for the Apple IIe. It was pretty cool. I like the pig as well. But I never got very far with it.

Ah, those were the days...

Oh, how I yearn to fritter away entire weeks to the completion of a video game.

Another one I never was able to finish was X-Com. Remember that? Oh, that rocked. I finished the first one, but got stuck on the terror from the deep one. Damn aliens.

That game prolly had one of the best adapted tactical combat systems ever made for a video game. And the mind control kicked ass. I own the entire trilogy, though I loaned it out to the NetAdmin here and made him promise he would never give it back. Simply can't afford the luxury of vid games, in time or money.

03/04/04 10:48  - Bildo

Bartles Bow was registering as a peice of equipment cause it was flagged as a container. Items are defaulted to equipment if A) there are neither weapon nor armor, B) if they are a container, and thus must be accounted as a peice of equipment, regardless and in addition to if they are a weapon or armor.

Also, on the damage dice scale. I think that's a good concept, and might come in handy with regards to pip translation, but might present problems with artifacts with regards to having an editable drop down. Due to a quirky anomoly with IE, combo boxes and text boxes are inherently written on two seperate laters, the combobox will ALWAYS be on top; eliminating the posibility of overlaying a text box in the tex section of a combobox. Anyway, I'll work on it.

03/05/04 10:30  - Adam

Oh, ok, that makes some sense. It hink that it woul be great to at least populate the text field witht he weapon's default damage but make it an editable text field wherein dorks can change the damage.

03/06/04 09:03  - Bildo the shlong-hammer

I think I can do that if I load the info into a js array as the page loads, then populate it out of that. Will take a little time, though.

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