Idol Chatter

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Topic started: 05/02/03 14:58
Author: Bill Barnes
Total Replies: 0
I've changed the top banner from Runewall to Dawn Of Eana, since this is turning out to be a general repository rather than a campaign specific site. The menu has changed as well, and of course, I've added this message board.

Character displays are done, and I'm working on the generation flow, but that will be a little time yet. Characters and Campaigns will be under Legends.

When I'm farther along, I'll build Spellsmythe under Arcana, and if I have the time, will also add sections for Arcanix and spell lists from "Made UP" spells rather then generated.

I could certainly use help with data entry if anybody is willing. It took me forever to add the skills list.

Eventually when all the data entry is done, I'll lock down the site and require logins to modify character or rule information.

I'm hoping to begin beta-testing the site in mid-June. I'll need volunteers for that as well.
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