Idol Chatter

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Title: Clean Up Time
Topic started: 01/08/13 13:20
Author: vorgrist
Total Replies: 1
There is a glut of characters in The Bone Yard whose XP is 0. In order to determine which of those characters people actually want to keep, I would like the owners of those characters to add 1 XP to the characters during the next week or so. There after, I will begin deleting all characters whose XP remains 0.

I have also noticed that there are a whole bunch of characters that were in campaigns but are no longer in campaigns. GM's please go through the The Bone Yard and make sure all characters that should be in your campaigns are there.
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01/24/13 09:41  - vorgrist

All characters in The Bone Yard with XP less than 1 have been destroyed.

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