Idol Chatter

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Topic started: 06/25/03 09:48
Author: Bill Barnes
Total Replies: 0
Added resolver for Artistic Talent (AT) and Background skill (BG), as well as adding two initial background skills to new characters.

Modified may character display to reflect Casting Ability and Mana for characters with Magery (I know I'll get flak for this, but for now, deal with it).

Also added Encumberance counter at bottom of equipment list to tally weapon, armor and equip EUs. Have not yet imposed speed penalties for over encumberance. Will deal with that when I build the Magic Items interface.

Added Equipment interface to Principia, and basic equipment manifest capability to character sheets, with respect to containers and whatnot.

Corrected some minor issuess such misappropriated skills, changed scripts to regard Archery as a group proficiency (GP: Archery). Made cosmetic mods to character sheet.

Added an Images table to database, as well as scripted character sheet to search for a corresponding image. If found, it displays image in bottom right hand corner of page. Have not yet built upload interface for images; not sure if Brinkster will allow this. If you want an image associated, email it to me along with the character name.
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