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Title: C-Sheet things
Topic started: 06/16/03 12:11
Author: Adam
Total Replies: 2
Add "Range" to the weapons descriptor on the C-sheet. Ability to edit data in c-sheets important add a "Modify Character" button like the "Delete Character" button. C-sheet not printable: internal non-daggered borders are fat and blah, where they meet with the external gray border, they overlap and prevent gay border from printing. Gray border prints black.. that looks ok though. Daggered internal borders look good, really good in fact. Think about a double daggered instead of fat boarders internally e.g. a thick horizontal border would be a left and right pointing daggered border OR a right pointing daggered border. and the vertical thick border betwixt Attributes and Vital Data would be a down pointing daggered border. Images used to represent Attribute abbreviations, e.g. STR, SPD, DEX, etc. DO NOT print and the table used to seperate the Attributes does not keep it place in printing, thus the Attributes are huddled toward the top of the Attributes box. Think about using Text and typing out the entire word, e.g. Strength, Speed, etc. Make "Delete Character" button and all other added buttons, non-printable objects so that when printing a c-sheet, they do not appear.
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06/16/03 12:21  - Adam

Still more: Looking at the race, on the sheets the race is written "Saurians" or "Halflings" Plural. Irksome. The easiest fisx is to singularize the race names under Races. I'm glad to do that for ya, just gimme the "go". The other solution, make a hidden list that is the singular form of the race name, equate a selected race to the hidden chart's singular counterpart, show the singular form on the c-sheet. This seems complicated to me. ALSO, "Hair:" could very well be "Plumage:" or "Fur:" or "Scales:" or "Skin:". It should either be autoselected based upon race (sounds like significant coding) OR a dropdown/radio button option selected during character creation.

06/19/03 16:01  - Bill Barnes

OK, Printing Characters: I made the width of the form to be about 670 pixels, which is about the width of a printable page from a laser printer. There are some issues with borders and whatnots. I'll resolve these in time. As for the attribute block, it doesn't print because the image is actually being used as the background for the table cell; it's not a free standing image. I will change that at some point as well.

As for the Delete character at the bottom, not much I can do about that.

WEAPON RANGES: Yes, I can add the field for that. In truth, I need to go through and doublecheck fields for weapons, then add fields while the DB is down.

CHANGING RACE NAMES: Wouldn't advise it in a production stage. much of the character information is stored referentially. If a character is a Saurian, then when the character displayed, it picks up ATTR mods form the race table where race = 'Saurian'. If you change the name willy-nilly, you run the risk of disassociating the character. It can be fixed of course, but I'd rather do it myself. It just involves running a query against the database to change ALL instances of the race, not just in the race table.

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