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Title: V2.0 Revisions
Topic started: 06/12/03 16:31
Author: Bill Barnes
Total Replies: 4
As the core of this site draws to a close there are some things that will be addressed in the next rollout. They are listed here so I remember them. If I missed anything, reply to this post. These are only major revisions; I'll address minor revisions along the way:

1. Add context flags to denote campaign type (Magic/non-magic, Archaic/contemporary/sci-fi, Basic/Expanded).

2. Reformat principia to make more readable, add fade in captions for descriptions of skills and what-nots to eliminate need for drill-downs. You'll see what I mean.

3. Lock down site to restrict access to character and principia modification to just GMs and rule purveyors.

4. Add boiler plate option to allow entry of already existing characters, by GM only.

5. Add sci-fi/contemporary weapons, skills, classes, races, etc.

6. Build basic framework for spells under Arcana just as a way to tend spells, generation is freeform as of now. Do the same for magic items, and allow on the fly reflections in attributes for possession of said items.

Adam had suggested allowing GMs to upload things related to their campaign, such as maps, expositions and stuff. A keen idea if ever there was one, however, seeing that brinkster is a free site, and generously allows me execute both database calls and asp scripting, they tend to be a bit chinsy on bandwidth and storage space. If that is the case eventually this site needs to be moved off of brinkster to a more robust system. I believe Adam has been kind enough to squat, which was nice of him. Anybody willing to foot the cost of hosting? It's not really an issue at this point, but prolly in the next 6 months or so there would be clear advantage to upgrading the host. Just curious. Don't everybody run out and buy space or anything.
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07/01/03 16:39  - Bill Barnes


ADD/REMOVE extra points
CHANGE CLASS on the fly
CHANGE RACE on the fly
Set up ARMOR on campaign and universal level
Incorporate NOTES
Incorporate MAGICAL ITEMs
Incorporate GRIMOIR

07/07/03 12:05  - Greg Crowe

I think if we do have to move to a paid site, there are a few things we could do to spread the cost around so that no one has to feel the big pinch.

1) We should get a profit-share link to Amazon where if we go buy anything through this link, the Dawn of Eana fund will get some of the profit.

2) We could set up a PayPal donate link that will allow us each to donate what we can each month, and the Webmaster can keep up apprised of how much we are short, so we can pull it together.

Just a few ideas. I'm sure there are some more.

07/07/03 12:34  - Andrey

I use the following hosting

This is only $35 dollars.

Unfortunately it doesn't have a ASP which i think this site is based on alot.

but maybe we can find something as cheap.

Or we can link a bunch of free sites together for the memory and and use this for the asp or some variant.

just some thoughts

07/10/03 10:26  - Adam

Is there anyway you can setup an automatic post notification so that when new post or new reply is added to a thread, all thread participants get email?

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