Idol Chatter

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Title: Holy CRAP DoE still exists!
Topic started: 02/27/09 22:36
Author: dakhran
Total Replies: 2
This is Bryan, aka Dakhran the Dark, the almost-destroyer-of-Eana-while-on-a-bad-mushroom-trip...

I still have my old black binder of DoE, I even tried to get a game started a few years back.

Anyone still run games in the general Baltimore/Washington area? I'm in Frederick now, it's difficult but not impossible for me to get out to a game, or there's always PBEM/PBP.
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02/28/09 00:31  - bhille

Hi Bryan,

I'm running a game or two through this site and/or email, but both are on hold. Bill Barnes put up a fun site though, addictive in a way. how's life?

02/28/09 10:57  - bbarnes

Hey there. There are games that run in the DC/Balto area, though I'm not sure what gaming engine they use. They use a yahoo group with address

Send me your contact info and I'll add you as a user. From there you can build characters, start a campaign, blah blah blah...

There are a couple quirks with this site however. I built it about 5 years back but don't have much time to work with it anymore. Character generation doesn't work so well on Macs, something to do with DHTML.

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