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Title: Hello Frostburg People
Topic started: 03/23/07 10:38
Author: Diamond Spear
Total Replies: 6
*waves to all the Frostburg people he might know*
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03/23/07 10:39  - Diamond Spear

By the way, the idiot waving at the Frostburg people he might know is Louis.

03/23/07 11:40  - bbarnes

Hey louis. How's it going?

03/23/07 11:50  - Diamond Spear

Going well. Living and working in Glen Burnie. My wife works in Annapolis. How are you and kathy doing? I hear you've moved back to St. Marys?

03/23/07 12:44  - vorgrist

Wrong Bill, the Bill you are talking to is Bill Barnes, the one you are thinking of is Bill Burcham.

03/23/07 12:53  - Diamond Spear

Doh! Oops! My fault. Brain is not working today. How are YOU doing Mr. Bares?

03/23/07 13:49  - bbarnes

Well enough, thanks. Living in Chicago with Kris and our two kids, Maeve (4) and Rowan (2).

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