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Title: Mage bug fixed
Topic started: 11/20/06 22:45
Author: Bill Barnes
Total Replies: 3
6k related skill bug fixed on Mage.
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11/22/06 21:26  - bhille

You sposed to be able to use those 6K somehow in the character sheet?

few bugs ... I could not access weapons or armor in two characters I created to test the system ... one mage ... one guardian of the wood. I got the "watch it buddy" warning even though I was logged in as GM.

11/22/06 21:40  - bhille

curiouser and curiouser.

Whether logged in or not, I can create characters, but cannot adjust them - no weapons, armor, notes, skills, experience, equipment, related skills do not show up as html links (or whatever)

I can manipulate older characters but nothing since the new security went up.


11/22/06 22:16  - bhille

Just to elaborate, not a browser issue.

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