Essentially there are six roles:
Anonymous (unsigned user)
Guest (default role)
The propose changes go something like this:
All permissions are cummulative, from Guest to Admin.
Guest can post to the main board, but that's about it.
Players can create characters and retire them to the bone yard. They can also tweek characters with exception of XP and Attributes. This would apply only to characters they have created.
GMs can create/update/delete campaigns they own, as well as modify characters within their campaign. They can pull characters from the bonyard or retire them. They can also promote a Guest to a Player. GMs can also make additions to the equipment table.
Architects are the stewards of the principia, able to make modifications to the rules structures, create classes, races and artifacts, as well asp promote Guests to either Player or GM. However they do not have dominion over other GMs campaigns
Admin can make any modification anywhere and can promote a Guest to Player, GM or Architect.